Saturday, February 7, 2015

Breaking Up (with a template) is Hard to Do

And here we are, playing around with fonts n' stuff, with no real rhyme or reason to the thing.  Because why not?  The only thing is that I haven't done this before, soooo.  I know, I know, interesting, right?  But breaking out of a template is kind of like a metaphor for breaking out of routine, or whatever mold you've been living in (mold, as in Jello, not mold as in green slimy stuff you find at the bottom of your veggie drawer).  For lots of people, it can be very difficult to live your own life independent of what others think and expect of you.  I have a friend who is secretly into the whole rockabilly culture but can't even bust out with a pair of polka dot sunglasses because she's terrified of what her rancher parents might think (and this gal is almost THIRTY for cryin' out loud!!  I've been trying to get her to at least adopt some little aspect of that style for years now, but she refuses to.  And that's sad.  It's sad that an adult can't even wear some pinup hair and a vintage dress because she's too bound by the template her parents made for her.  Boo.

Anyway, as for myself, I gave up templates for my life a long time ago.  It's a little bit country, a little bit rock n' roll (thanks, Donny and Marie!) and a lotta bit of low brow humor--much to my parents' chagrin.  Blogspot, however, is new territory for me.  So it might take me a few minutes to get the hang of messing with the thing.  But here goes nuthin'. 

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